So since I have taken my midterms I have been able to work on my paper. I have mostly been working on my first section about what sort of activities the Italian and Jewish immigrant women were involved in before coming to America. In one of my books, I got a lot of quotes pertaining to the oppression these women faced in their home countries and how it affected their work ethic and opinions in the U.S. The main idea is that these women faced such scrutiny in their home countries that when similar issues came up in America, they did not stand for it. This sense of independence lead to differences not only in the workplace but also in terms of their personality, sexuality, and leisure time. Finally, in this beginning section, I am planning on incorporating ideas about the Maya of Morganton because the concepts seem to be very similar.
See everyone tomorrow!
Have a look at the chapters for tomorrow's reading on Mexican and Anglo women as well - you might find some valuable connections there as well!