Monday, November 29, 2010


Okay I am just making sure, on our syllabus if says our presentations begin Thursday, so tomorrow we just have normal class correct??

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I found this ridiculous quote and had to share:

"Are women people? No, my son, criminals, lunatics, and women are not people."
              -The New York Tribune


Hope everyone had a nice break, although it is only Saturday so it's not over yet!  I have thought of an interesting idea for my presentation but do not want to ruin the whole thing so I am not going to explain it quite yet.  However, it will involve having people get out of their seats, which at 830 in the morning might be a bit difficult but I hope people find what I am going to do enjoyable!

As for my paper, I am continuing to research more what would be seen as primary source information.  Since my paper deals mostly with leisure activities I have been looking up the fashions of NY in the early 1900s, as well as musical selections and different types of movies, so be looking for new picture and website posts!

See everyone Tuesday

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Book Review Question

Okay, just to check, we are supposed to turn in our book reviews to Micalee's mailbox by 5pm today correct?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Book Review!

Hey Everyone! 

Just a quick update.  I am cleaning up my book review, which I am doing on The Maya of Morganton, and I seem to be alone because no one has posted that they are doing that book as well!  I chose Fink's novel because it seems to relate the most to my research topic and I believe I spent the most time invested in reading it. Good luck to everyone on theirs!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Meeting w/Micalee

Hi Everyone!

I hope those of you who had your meetings got good feedback and good luck to those who go on Tuesday.  My meeting went well on Thursday and I definitely got some inspiring ideas from Micalee.  I am excited to continue editing my paper and adding in some more details that Micalee suggested.  However, I am still working on presentation ideas!  I know I will come up with something but it is just taking longer than expected.  I will keep you updated!

Monday, November 15, 2010


okay so i realize this is last minute but just one quick thing, when i am doing my footnotes and it is for a specific page number, do i just tag on the page number at the end of the reference, like pp. 37, or is it supposed to go somewhere else? let me know if anyone gets a chance!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Oh First Draft

Well I hope everyone is working hard on their first draft!  I am doing pretty well on mine and am actually very inspired when I am writing because all of these new concepts keep coming to me and how I can relate them to my paper, it is slightly overwhelming but I seem to be handling it okay haha!  I just wanted to check in and wish everyone good luck with their first drafts :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Soooo, I am pretty excited as to where my research paper is going.  As I continue to write, I realize other things and ideas that I can add.  As of now, I am working on a major section of my paper dealing with what activities immigrant women of Jewish and Italian decent were involved in in their home countries and basically who they were.  Not only this, but how conflict between the cultures altered and created a kinship once they reached to America.  Mostly, I have found the conflict to be dealing with religion (i.e. Jewish women vs. Catholics from Italy).  Since I am focusing on leisure activities and basically activities outside of the home, the involvement of these women in church fits very well.  Eventually, I will get to the concept that, contrary to past disagreements on religion, etc., the issues pertaining to womanhood in America brought them together as a community because of the experiences of their past! 

Monday, November 8, 2010


So since I have taken my midterms I have been able to work on my paper.  I have mostly been working on my first section about what sort of activities the Italian and Jewish immigrant women were involved in before coming to America.  In one of my books, I got a lot of quotes pertaining to the oppression these women faced in their home countries and how it affected their work ethic and opinions in the U.S.  The main idea is that these women faced such scrutiny in their home countries that when similar issues came up in America, they did not stand for it.  This sense of independence lead to differences not only in the workplace but also in terms of their personality, sexuality, and leisure time.  Finally, in this beginning section, I am planning on incorporating ideas about the Maya of Morganton because the concepts seem to be very similar.

See everyone tomorrow!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


okay so i would just like to prepare everyone because tomorrow i will have the best blog ever because after i take my two midterms i will finally be able to share more on how my paper is doing!  i hope everyone is doing well and see you tuesday!