Sunday, October 3, 2010


Okay so since I have been working on my topic and just doing as many searches as possible online, I stumbled upon this video that I am posting.  Micalee suggested I go on YouTube and look at some of Edison's videos of NY from the early 1900's and I found this awesome video!  It is the two leading women boxers in the world and I think it is amazing that they are first of all, boxing in dresses!  Since I am looking at women and leisure I thought this was a really interesting find!


  1. The video is great! I don't know what I like more...the actual boxing or the very "regal" background of the boxing match. Very weird...

  2. So I was pretty sure women never belonged in a boxing ring before watching that video, and now I’m 100% convinced that they don’t. It is funny and quite interesting though. I’m really glad that you’re now researching something that interests you. You didn’t seem exactly thrilled about your last idea. Keep the videos coming.

  3. Haha i just wanted to say that this is wonderful! Thanks for sharing

  4. I always box in a dress...


    This video is fantastic, great find!
